Success Stories of the Journey to Wellness

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 Lifetime wellness can be a difficult journey – especially if you’re afflicted with a chronic condition that impedes your ability to be able to exercise the way you’d like to, or severely restricts your diet. However, overcoming those hang-ups is one of the most exciting things about wellness! Here are a few success stories about people who beat some difficult odds in their journey to live healthier, happier, and more active lives.

1)    When Rhonda Foulds experienced a stroke at a very young age, her recovery progress was slow and she ballooned to nearly 250 pounds. But when she was inspired by the story of man who embraced distance running – even after the loss of both of his legs. With changes to her diet and a walking regimen, she was eventually able to run once again, even completing a half-marathon a year after her recovery.

2)    Sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis often find relief in different ways – for some, physical therapy and over-the-counter medicines work wonders, while tough cases may be treated with biologics and bone fusions. For Phyllis Healy, it was all about nutrition. By changing her diet to include simple, nutritious foods, she was able to give up drugs and now lives a life of victory over arthritis. The McDougall Diet is one of the many nutritional approaches to overcoming autoimmune disease. (Check out the video!)

3)    Kelly Young struggled with the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis since she was 13 years old. The struggle would last her entire life, although she’s found some success with biologics. But the bigger success story is the network of support she created in RA Warrior, a website that connects arthritis sufferers from across the globe and allows them to share their frustrations as well as their triumphs. The support, she says, has made all the difference.

4)    Physical therapy can play a huge role in arthritis relief – and even recovery. According to therapist Brett Cook, getting up and moving plays a huge role in reducing the pain and stiffness associated with the disease. Cook and other RA experts have offered their expertise in the five most important steps to take in physical therapy, which include working with professionals and including aerobic exercise in your regimen. Success may be just a lap away.

5)    Sometimes it takes a little understanding about your body’s mechanics before you can shed those pounds. Alicia Reich, who once weighed 230 pounds, lost nearly 80 – but the last ten pounds were persistent. The weight started rolling right off when she changed from a 1200-calorie a day “starvation diet” to a more reasonable 1700-calorie one. Carbs like potatoes, rice, and dried fruit replaced those with gluten. Not only did Reich lose 11 more pounds, she triumphed by finishing a marathon shortly thereafter!

These success stories all illustrate a central point: even with chronic conditions that offer little respite, there are some keys to a healthier life: support from others, a positive attitude, and a mind open to innovation that can help you approach wellness in a different way.  Read below for an infographic about healthy habits from Jauntly!

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